You can use Visual Editor to edit texts without the need to learn and use Wikitext markup. That’s because the default wikitext editors use the wikitext markup. Unlike the old editing tool, the recent one displays the text differently. The texts that you are editing appear that they are already published. 

However, keep in mind that Visual Editor is a new feature in Wikipedia and is still under development. So, it means that the new editor will have bugs alongside limitations. Hence, you need to wait for some time. Or, you can give this new Wikipedia editor service a try. This post will help you switch to the new Visual Editor Wikipedia. 

Switching to Visual Editor Wikipedia in easy steps:

Before you try the new feature, remember that you may notice some lags while using Visual Editor. Until further updates arrive, you may have to deal with this situation. Moreover, if you are dealing with larger pages, Visual Editor can make things a bit slower compared to the regular Wikitext or Source Editor. 

You can’t use the new editor on discussion pages as well. While Visual Editor continues to be in the developing stage, you should review the changes made with it to make sure that the edits you made were done correctly. Let’s learn how to switch to Visual Editor Wikipedia.

If you are a registered user of Wikipedia, opting for the Visual Editor to edit texts won’t be complex. All you need to do is change your preferences to enable Visual Editor for editing. Also, you need a browser that supports Visual Editor. The good news is that most of them support the editor. 

Go to the preferences and look out for the ‘Editing’ tab. There will be a section called ‘Editor’ where you will get the ‘Editing mode’. You will have two options to choose from. You can have both the source editor and the Visual Editor displayed at the same time. Or, you can choose the one that you prefer most. 

Even if you aren’t a registered user, still, you can try this new feature. Just add “?veaction=edit” to the end of the URL of the Wikipedia page you are going to edit. And, that’s it. If you want to manage your Wikipedia professionally, a reputed web agency Wikipedia might come in handy. 

Are Wikipedia editors paid?

Yes, people get paid to edit the pages on Wikipedia. Besides, top Wikipedia editors even earn hundreds of dollars to edit Wikipedia pages for their clients. Hence, editors on Wikipedia are paid when they write or edit pages. 

Editing includes writing new information or deleting obsolete ones on behalf of the client or employer. The edits are carried away to or from a policy page, talk page, or article. However, some types of paid editing on Wikipedia are forbidden. For example, paid editing for a talk page works fine. 

But paid editing for a policy page that remains undisclosed is forbidden. Paid editors must disclose their status about payment on both their page and the talk page. There are guidelines to follow to avoid conflict of interest. 

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